Earlier this week, Sport West released a special edition of Sportsview which highlighted changes to WA’s testing and isolation protocols.
MWA continue to work with Sportwest, State Government and DLGSC to help provide as much clarity as possible for sport.
Below are some more FAQs with answers provided direct from the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s COVID-19 Coordination Team, which might help our members. Shared with the permission.
If community sport runs an event with more than 500 people are we required to check proof of vaccination?
Under the Directions there is an exemption for events that are for the purposes for community sport – no proof of vaccination is required for community sport event, regardless of where it is held or the number of people.
The exception to this is if they are considered a high risk event by the Chief Health Officer; for instance, participants and spectators at fun runs and similar outdoor events (e.g. outdoor swimming races, triathlons, surf tournaments, rowing carnivals and similar sporting events) will only be required to show proof of vaccination if these events are classified as specified high risk events to which the proof of vaccination policy applies.
If our venue has a liquor license and/or food outlet like a café or canteen, do we need to check proof of vaccination when these outlets are closed?
Proof of vaccination is not required when the liquor licence is not in operation and/or food/drinks are not being served.
Where a community sporting club operates a licensed bar under an occasional liquor licence as part of their outdoor venue do we need to check for Proof of Vaccination?
Local clubs that do not have a hospitality or alcohol component do not require proof of vaccination for their normal activities. If the bar or seated hospitality only operates on certain days, the proof of vaccination requirement will only apply to the venue when the bar or hospitality is operating. If alcohol is served or hospitality is provided proof of vaccination will apply (regardless of whether indoor or outdoor).
Does the checking proof of vaccination requirement apply to checking every person (over 16) entering the licensed area or food outlet, irrespective of if they attend consume food and/or beverage?
Both venues and patrons will have a shared responsibility when it comes to proof of vaccination. Venues are required to ensure that each patron produces evidence of their vaccination status for sighting.
Patrons are required to show their proof of vaccination or acceptable form of proof of a medical exemption (and acceptable identification where required) upon request. This could be either at the point of entry or at the point of service.
Patrons have an obligation to produce their proof of vaccination status or medical exemption for sighting by the business upon request.
Can community sport comply with the proof of vaccination requirements by conducting random checks for competitors and spectators entering a place where food and /or alcohol is being served?
If the activity is ticketed with a controlled entry, then proof of vaccination is required to be checked at that point.
If it is not ticketed and entry is via uncontrolled points, then proof of vaccination at point of service is reasonable and/or through random checks.
Can community sporting club clearly define bar area and only check proof of vaccination in that area to meet the requirements?
Yes. The Proof of Vaccination Directions (No. 3) allow for the following: “if particular premises consist of two or more separate parts and only one part is licensed, then only that part of the premises that falls within the definition of hospitality venue is a specified proof of vaccination venue. Proof of vaccination will be required if the person enters the hospitality venue, but will not be required if, for example, they access a part of the premises that is wholly outside the hospitality venue and is not otherwise captured as a specified vaccination venue.”
Can venues request proof of vaccination for community sport players and officials, outside of direct government regulations?
Businesses and groups may wish to require proof of vaccination requirements to protect their staff, participants and patrons. We advise that groups should consider their individual circumstances and seek their own legal advice prior to imposing vaccination requirements as a condition of entry.
Make it easy to check proof of vaccination
If your venue is required to check proof of vaccination, here are some reasonable steps you, your staff and volunteers can take to make sure that patrons know the requirements about showing proof of vaccination at your venue.
- Hang signage at your venue to let patrons know that proof of vaccination is required to enter.
- Communicate through your websites, social media and ticketing or booking sites that proof of vaccination is required and how you will be checking it.
- Train your staff on how to check proof of COVID-19 vaccination status (or medical exemption), and what they should do if someone refuses to provide proof of vaccinations or is not vaccinated.
- If you have a managed entry, make sure staff are located at entry points to ensure proof of vaccination is checked.
- If there is no managed entry, make sure staff check patrons’ vaccination status as soon as practicable, such at the point of sale for canteens and licensed areas.
- Wristbands and stamps are good ways to show that a patron’s proof of vaccination has already been checked.
Read more tips for managing proof of vaccination requirements