All Riders (and Junior parents) are reminded that there are differing requirements for medical suspensions to be removed, following a report injury and license suspension in Ridernet. Unfortunately, the notification letter, generated from Ridernet does not make this distinction clear nor provide a clear requirement on what is required.
Where a rider injury (resulting in suspension) does not involve a concussion injury, any accompanying medical clearance certificate must state that XX is medically cleared to participate in motorcycle activity from … (date).
Where a rider has been subject to a concussion injury, Medical clearance must be given by a current medical practitioner specifically stating that the rider has been assessed for concussion and declared fit to resume motorcycle activity from XX… (date)”
Once the appropriate medical clearance certificate has been obtained, upload the document to Ridernet, please notify MWA that you have done so (by phone 9371 5333 or to mail@motorcyclingwa.org.au – weekdays), so we can lift the license suspension. Please be aware that If the medical clearance certificate provided does not include the appropriate wording, riders may be required to obtain another certificate that does.
Race Secretaries are reminded to check any medical clearance documents present by suspended riders “out of ordinary working hours” to ensure these requirements have been met.