Ride, Race, Enjoy.

Who is covered?
The National Insurance Program covers MA, the SCBs and all affiliated clubs, also their members, officials, employees, volunteers and accredited coaches while participating in MA or SCB sanctioned events.
What is covered?
- The National Insurance Programme comprises two covers:
- Public & products liability
- Personal accident
For more information visit Motorcycling Australia
Insurance FAQ
Does coverage include lawsuits brought by a participant who sues a club?
Yes, the club is covered for claims brought against them for their negligence
Does coverage include lawsuits brought by a participant who sues another participant?
Whilst there is no direct cover for cases where a participant sues another participant, the Liability policy does provide cover for Legal Defence costs.
Are volunteers and members covered for participating in working bees?
Yes, the Liability and Personal Accident policies cover activities such as working bees, fundraiser BBQ’s, administration meetings etc. In some cases a permit will need to be in place for the particular activity. In all cases the activity must be conducted with the knowledge and approval of the club and be conducted withinthe scope of MA and its rules.
What happens to equipment and property that I rent for the event?
There is no cover for rented equipment under the Motorcycling Australia policies unless it is kept at the specific locations insured by Motorcycling Australia and the state bodies. Please enquire with Aon if you have any significant items that require insurance.
Should I provide a vendor / contractor (such as a food provider) with a certificate of insurance naming the vendor or contractor as an Additional Insured?
Vendors and contractors should carry their own insurance to cover their negligent acts and omissions. Event organisers/promoters should not be
liable for the actions of those hired to provide goods and services at events. These contracted parties should be required to provide a certificate
of insurance as evidence of their own General Liability coverage with the certificate naming MA and the club/event organizer/promoter as
Additional Insured’s
Can a third party be covered by this insurance?
Insurance coverage is only applicable for the parties listed in the definition of insured as listed in the Insurance Manual provided by Aon.
What if I have an issue concerning insurance coverage or if I have any questions / queries?
Always contact Aon in the first instance unless it’s a claims matter that you are dealing direct with Proclaim
How are Coaches covered?
The definition of insured includes members coaches whether they are paid of volunteers.
Am I covered for private practice?
Only if there is a permit in place for the practice session.
Am I covered for personal accidental insurance with my MA license under all events and activities?
You are covered for Personal Accident insurance when you are licensed and competing in a permitted event.
Is there a time limit as to when I can make a Personal Accident claim?
Yes. There is a time limit of twelve months following an accident / injury during which you must lodge a claim.
How are volunteers and officials covered?
Yes, volunteers and officials are covered subject to the policy terms and conditions.
What do I do if I am injured and need to make a claim?
Download the claim for from the MA website, or contact Proclaim via the details at the end of this document to obtain a copy. Send completed claim form to Proclaim and they Send the will manage the claim based on its merits.
Am I covered at other times for non-track related activities organised by the club?
Yes, for activities such as working bees, fundraiser BBQ’s, administration meetings etc. In some cases a permit will need to be in place for the particular activity. In all cases the activity must be conducted with the knowledge and approval of the Club and the activity must be conducted within the scope of MA and its rules .
If I am injured whilst practicing/and or competing in an event, am I covered for loss of income?
No. The policy does not cover loss of income for competitors however there is weekly benefits cover for officials and marshals who are income earners.
Note: You must consider your personal situation in relation to loss of income and consider income protection insurance. If you consider this insurance is necessary you should speak to your broker. At this time MA Insurance LTD does not provide this cover.
What benefits am I covered for if I am injured?
Details of benefits available under the Personal Accident policy are provided in this manual and also in the Manual of Motorcycle Sport. The policy mainly covers lump sum benefits in cases where you have suffered a permanent injury. This condition needs to be verified by a doctor/specialist.
The policy also covers non Medicare medical benefits, Student Tutorial Costs, Parent’s Inconvenience Allowance and Emergency Home Help.
Details of these can be provided on request. There is no cover for loss of income for competitors.
When are we insured?
Insurance cover is provided when;
- The activity is authorised by the Relevant Controlling Body (RCB) and should be confirmed in writing.(i.e. with a permit).
- The participants need to be an insured party, i.e. licence holder or member.
- All participants must have a licence of some sort before participating unless an exemption is granted for activities such as Come and Try It Days.
- All participants including Marshals and Officials are to sign the approved indemnity forms before they participate.
- All venues where racing or motorcycle activities are conducted are to be licensed/approved.
- When the activities fall within the scope of the policy details of which are outlined in the Insurance Manual.