As the CEO at MWA, I want to raise a matter that is a growing concern, not only for me (in the short time I have been here) but something that all our members and everyone connected with our sport including officials, spectators, parents and our senior and junior participants, need to be mindful of and take positive action to prevent from occurring.
I’m referring to physical and psychological bullying of participants by others who are also involved in our sport. In a number of recent cases MWA have dealt with, this behaviour includes physical threats of violence and acting in a derogatory, ‘unsportsman-like’ and disrespectful manner towards others, often via social media.
This is not healthy competition on the track, but rather nasty, spiteful and unlawful behaviour that is not acceptable, in our sport or the wider community.
Bullying has the potential to cause great anxiety and distress to the person targeted by hurtful or derogatory comments or statements. MWA will not tolerate abusive, discriminatory, intimidating, threatening or offensive statements being made via any means, including online. In some cases, bullying behaviour is a punishable criminal offence.
The consequences of this type of behaviour, may not only physically or psychologically harm the person on the receiving end, but it undermines our values to represent our sport as open to and welcoming of anyone wishing to participate in it and enjoy a Sport which is free from harassment, intimidation or other inappropriate behaviours which fail to respect their rights as a member of our motorcycling community.
Motorcycling Australia and MWA, are committed to promoting the welfare of all Members and are dedicated to providing an inclusive environment able to be embraced by everyone wishing to participate in the Sport. Bullying, harassment and threatened violence are unacceptable in any form.
The current Member Welfare Policy is applicable to any person involved in the Sport including participants, parents, guardians, spectators, sponsors and licensees and other contracted parties, to the full extent possible. Failure to comply with this Policy may result in disciplinary action in accordance with this Policy and/or under other MA/MWA rules and policies or its Constitution.
Breaches of, and a failure to comply with this Policy, may be determined as misconduct and MWA will take appropriate disciplinary action in accordance with relevant rules and regulations. These disciplinary actions and Policy breaches may include considerations and findings of such actions bringing the Sport into disrepute, or acting in a manner likely to cause such disrepute and breaching policies related to discriminating against, harassing or Bullying (including cyber-bullying) any person.
A range of penalty outcomes may include license suspension and/or cancellation of membership. This means that if “you” choose to engage in this type of behaviour, you will not be able to undertake any motorcycle sporting activity associated with MA and MWA.
A considerably worse outcome of this type of behaviour is if the matter is dealt with by authorities in accordance with legislation, resulting in a criminal conviction and the potential ongoing impact on your future life, if this occurs.
As the CEO at MWA, I urge you to have a conversation within your club, with friends, officials, colleagues and your kids about this type of behaviour and the impact that it has, directly or indirectly on the lives of others. Please, refrain from any form of bullying, abuse, harassment, discrimination and victimisation towards others in our sport or elsewhere. It is not acceptable anywhere.
I urge you all to operate within the spirit of good sportsmanship and respect the rights, dignity and worth of others, as many of us do. Treat others as you would like to be treated.