MWA ( Motorcycling Western Australia) is encouraging all affiliated Clubs/Promoter to consider the benefits of additional Public Liability insurance coverage (“Slips & Trips”) cover, for policy indemnity coverage for incidents occurring outside approved permitted event activity at your club / venue. That initial offer received little interest from our clubs.
Many Club representatives are under the misapprehension that Clubs have “24/7 coverage for public liability” under the MAIL insurance scheme, via affiliation. This is not (nor has ever been) the position. MAIL and the related public liability cover only relates to permitted motorcycle activity (including permitted variations – i.e. busy bees etc). Other “indemnities”, available to clubs via affiliation are detailed in the attached MAIL Club Flyer.
Motorcycling Australia and MWA consider this an important area for consideration by all clubs around Australia, hence the updated, attached communications on the proposal. For this to succeed we need to get as many clubs as possible to participate – all details are provided in the attached document prepared by MA.
Please address this important topic at Committee level and express your interest for consideration in a group P/L scheme by Monday 19th June, 2023.
MAIL Clubs Flyer – 2020 (2).pdf
MAIL Public Liability Insurance – Club – Slips and Trips Cover v1.1