We need your support… to increase awareness and help educate users of ORVs (off-road vehicles—trail bikes and 4WDs) about the harm caused by using ORVs on non-designated trails.
There are many health, safety and environmental reasons as to why ORVs are not permitted on the Bibbulmun Track and other trails. The letter attached outlines these reasons and we encourage you to read and forward this letter to individuals and groups who will find this information relevant.
Please help us to spread the word and reach 4WD and trail bikes users groups via the following methods:
- Share our “Where to go off-road legally in WA” blog post via your social media accounts and other marketing channels
- Comment on and share the post on our Facebook page here to educate users in your community
- Display the attached sign and share with others in your community
If you have any other suggestions on how to reach people it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your support.
Bibbulmun Track Foundation
Right Track Sign – DISPLAY & SHARE.